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This page displays more in-depth information about each rank on the MirandaCraft server, including their benefits, costs and much more!


Donators receive special commands, discounts and abilities that normal players do not! MirandaCraft is hosted by so it costs money to run! Donations will be appreciated as they will help make the server perform better and have better features!


Have a question about the server? Need to know the cost of the next rank or even HOW To rank up? Click 'more info' to read up on all the basic server information. If something is missing, notify an owner/admin and we'll add it right away!

“MirandaCraft provides an in-depth player experience, with helpful staff and tons of things to do.”

Coming Soon!

The server will always be adding new things to make the players entertained. Click 'learn more' to see all of our planned/upcoming projects and/or games for the server!

Server IP:

Beu_, server owner.

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